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5 hair treatments from your pantry

Have you ever wanted to try an all natural at home hair treatment? Maybe you want to reduce the amount of chemicals that get absorbed into your skin, or maybe you just don’t have the funds for a treatment but your hair so desperately needs a bit of love…

Whatever your reasoning, I have the solution!

Here are 5 treatments you can whip up with staple items in your kitchen.

Repair damage with an avocado!

Mash a whole ripe avocado with one egg, then apply this home remedy to wet hair. Leave on for 20-30min and then rinse well a few times before shampooing and conditioning hair as normal.

Avocados are rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids, and minerals that will help restore luster to your hair. You can repeat this treatment once a week for damaged hair and once a month for healthy hair that may just need a boost!

Treat dry brittle hair with butter!

Melt a small amount of butter into a medium – thick paste, allow it to cool and then cover your hair with the butter. Cover your head in a shower cap to lock in the heat, allowing your cuticle to open up and the butter to penetrate the hair. Leave it to sit for 30mins. Rinse your hair well and shampoo and condition as normal. You can repeat this once a month.

Condition your hair with olive oil

Warm half a cup of olive oil (do not boil it) to put the moisture back into your hair. Apply the warmed oil to your hair, cover with a shower cap or plastic bag and then wrap everything in a towel. Leave it to sit for 45min, rinse well and shampoo and condition as normal.

Put the shine back into your hair with tea

Use a quart of part warm, unsweetened tea as a final rinse after your regular shampoo. Tea can enhance the colour so make sure to use a tea that works with your hair colour. For example Brunettes can use English breakfast, Blondes can use camomile or white tea and anyone with a fashion shade would be best sticking with white or chamomile tea.

Keep your hair conditioned when swimming

Before or after a swim you can protect your hair from the harsh elements with a homemade rinse of 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar mixed with 3/4 cup water. Simply spray your hair down with this solution before and after you swim to stop any chemicals drying out your hair or worse stripping your hair colour.

I would love to know how you went with your treatments, so please get in touch with your feedback!

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