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Keratin treatment sydney

Best place to get a low tox keratin treatment in Sydney

As we see our clients making more informed and conscious decisions around what products they use on their hair, exactly what ingredients are in a Keratin Treatment is becoming a regular conversation in our salon. So we thought it's time we addressed the ins and outs of where is the;

Best place to get a low tox keratin treatment in Sydney

Keratin treatment sydney Well obviously we're going to say OUR salon but stay with me. Firstly what you need to know is that when it comes to hair colour and keratin treatments, whilst they have never been as low tox as they are now, it's actually impossible to have fully organic products that work. Instead the best we can do, like here at Bare Beauty, is offer a brand that is as "clean as it gets". What that means is we source products that are as low tox and as possible. Ensuring a checklist of ingredients are excluded such as parabens, sulfates, chemical based surfactants, and the big F, formaldehyde.

We use Bhave made in New Zealand and for more reasons than you would think.

New Zealand wool is soft and strong,
Much like a hug from an old friend on a windy hilltop. And it turns out New Zealand wool can be processed to hold and nourish our hair too. It's why Bhave products use the natural strength and binding power of bioactive keratin. Derived and extracted from pure New Zealand sheep's wool, bioactive keratin makes sure those mane-boosting proteins and amino acids are kept intact (unlike most hair care products - which use hydrolyzed keratin, an ingredient extracted from animal hooves and ears - yuck!) Bioactive keratin was originally developed by scientists to heal wounds and severe burns. This form of keratin technology is not only kinder to our sheep friends, it also mirrors the damage to your hair's internal structure then works to rebuild it from the inside out.
Bio-active keratin perfectly matches hair keratin,
They link together to lock the structure in place. This structure is essential for the protein to perform its role, keeping hair strong & flexible. Other keratin technologies break up the protein when extracted & damage the amino acids, losing the important zipper traction needed to bind for genuine hair repair. this keratin is NOT a functional keratin.
Pure New Zealand wool is a 100% natural material,
Farmed throughout the pristine countryside of New Zealand, the sheep grow a thick fleece of wool to protect themselves from New Zealand’s harsh winter. This wool is harvested during Spring so that the sheep do not have a full fleece during the long, hot summer. During Autumn the fleece grows back in readiness for the coming winter. The wool is harvested by shearing, using electric clippers in much the same way as getting a haircut. Following shearing, sheep return to the fields to continue grazing and raise their young. No animals are harmed at any stage of the wool harvesting process. Our product is tested on humans not animals ensuring they bring no harm to animals whatsoever. That's why we're the best place to get a low tox keratin treatment in Sydney; at Bare Beauty House. It's important for us to ensure yours (and our teams) safety and peace of mind with a low tox product that doesn't cause harm to animals. You can trust that we only use a curated list of products that've gone through a strict screening process. So if you're looking for a keratin treatment in Sydney come and get in touch with us here and we can ensure we will take care of your hair in the best way possible.

How to have a Sustainable Easter Break

Easter is a time of joy, hope, and renewal. It's a time to celebrate with family and friends, exchange gifts, and indulge in delicious food. But when celebrating this auspicious festival, you must also remember how your actions can impact the environment. Climate change demands our attention and effort, and Easter is an excellent opportunity to make a difference. By adopting sustainable practices and choosing eco-friendly options, you can reduce your carbon footprint and build a sustainable future. Here are some tips for having a more sustainable Easter: 1. Choose Sustainable Easter Decorations Instead of disposable decorations, consider using natural materials like flowers, branches, and leaves. You can also create your own decorations using recycled materials like cardboard or paper. Embrace the beauty and simplicity of nature by using natural or recycled materials for decorations. Create a warm and inviting atmosphere while doing your part for the environment. 2. Opt for Eco-Friendly Easter Eggs Choose eggs made from sustainable materials like wood or recycled plastic. Avoid plastic Easter eggs that will end up in landfills and take hundreds of years to decompose. Consider using natural dyes for coloring your Easter eggs instead of synthetic ones that can harm the environment. You can also repurpose old or broken eggshells as compost or decorative accents instead of throwing them away. These small actions can make a big impact in reducing waste and promoting sustainability during the holiday season. 3. Buy Fair Trade and Organic Chocolate Easter is synonymous with chocolate, but not all chocolate is created equal. Opt for both fair trade and organic chocolate to ensure that the farmers who grow the cocoa beans are paid fairly and pesticides do not harm the environment. Additionally, consider buying local or artisanal chocolate, which often supports small businesses and reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation. When packaging your Easter treats, choose recyclable or compostable materials, such as paper or biodegradable bags.  4. Reduce Food Waste Easter is often associated with big feasts and gatherings, but it's important to be mindful of how much food we consume. Plan your meals carefully and only buy what you need. If you end up with leftovers, find creative ways to use them instead of throwing them away. Additionally, consider using sustainable and locally-sourced ingredients to reduce your carbon footprint and support small businesses in your community. 5. Use Sustainable Packaging If you're giving gifts or sending Easter cards, opt for eco-friendly packagings like recycled paper or biodegradable materials. Avoid using plastic or other non-recyclable materials. You can also make your own decorations and crafts using materials you already have at home instead of buying new ones. This reduces waste and saves money. 6. Choose Sustainable Easter Gifts Instead of buying plastic toys or other disposable items, consider giving meaningful and sustainable gifts like books, plants, and other handmade items. You can also organize eco-friendly Easter activities such as a nature scavenger hunt or a beach clean-up to promote environmental awareness and responsibility. 7. Support Local Businesses By buying locally, you're reducing the carbon footprint of shipping and transportation. Plus, you're supporting your local economy and helping small businesses thrive. Another way to reduce waste during Easter is to use reusable items, such as plates, utensils, and napkins, instead of disposable ones. By following these tips, you can have a more sustainable Easter and do your part to protect the environment. Happy Easter! Reach out to Bare Beauty House! Looking for a day spa or remedial massage on the Northern Beaches? Reach out to us! At Bare Beauty House, we offer various spa treatments, including remedial massage, facials, and body treatments. Our trained therapists can provide personalised care to meet your needs. Plus, by supporting local businesses, you're contributing to the sustainability of your community.

5 tips on creating a greener easter experience

Easter has many different meanings and ways of celebrating across the ages and the globe. Some view it as a time to splurge and eat chocolate and others celebrate it for religious purposes as the resurrection of Christ. No matter why or how you celebrate it, there are always ways to make it a greener Easter! Instead of gifting objects for Easter such as toys, spend the money on an experience your family or friends would like. Gifting an experience helps limit the waste produced in wrapping paper, chocolate wrappers and much more. Experiences can be for any group of people. Friends, family, partners, employees and no matter what, you will be able to treasure the memories forever. When creating those stunning Easter baskets for your kiddies to plow through, use recycled shredded paper or dry leaves. Using newspapers can create an edgy look and using leaves can create a more interactive hands on experience. The same thing goes if you decide to get gifts! Use recycled wrapping paper to try and limit the footprint of waste we leave during this holiday. Dyed eggs are a beautiful Easter tradition full of colour and celebration. The dyes we use can pollute and poison the earth. To create a greener Easter, make your own dyes from organic products, this also makes sure that you can eat the eggs after! Using bright berries or veggies is a fun experiment at creating your own dyes. The link below has a method for creating stunning dyes and patterns. Something we love to celebrate over Easter is chocolate! This delicious bean has been transformed in so many different ways and combined with infinite flavors. Chocolate is often covered in foil or plastic in most mass production brands. Going to local businesses gives you the best quality chocolate while also supporting local businesses in your area. I've found when I have gone to my local chocolate shop they use paper bags to hand over the goods. Keeping my tummy and the earth happy! However you celebrate and however you decide to be a little greener this easter we wish you a very happy Easter holiday, filled with loads of “remember when”. The Team at Bare Beauty House

International Womens Day

The theme for International Women’s day 2022 is Changing climates, equality today for a sustainable tomorrow. These two ideas are very close to home at Bare Beauty House. As a strong group of women we all come from different paths of life, battling different biases and inequalities. As a sustainable salon we are one of the few emerging hair and beauty salons that’s main focus is exploring one's beauty in the most sustainable way. When talking about a sustainable salon we are not only talking about maintaining our planet's health but also a future for women that can be sustained. This means providing eco-friendly services that allow our environment to flourish and our biodiversity to rebuild, whilst giving women results driven treatments that are toxic free and free from harsh chemicals that can ultimately lead to disease and shorter life spans. Throughout the years women have faced many battles in achieving equality. Our right to education came late as our family roles were keeping the homes clean and serving dinner for the family. One of our senior hairdresser's Rebecca grew up in South Korea. When talking about what it was like to grow up there she describes it as a very male dominated country and it wasn’t until she was at school that feminists became more vocal. She speaks about the men in the family being able to eat before the females and at a seperate table. When asked about her school life Rebecca says it was at the turning point of equality towards education. Her mother when she was a child had a much different experience. Her mum was not granted educational rights and instead looked after the family home and her brothers. “What do you believe being female and feminism is?” “Feminism is a super power women have. We are dedicated, empathetic, meticulous, always a few steps ahead and great at multitasking. As the world grows we need to be more vocal to find balance between men and women otherwise things will stop changing for the better. The foundation of the world was built for and by men and we need to change this so we must keep pushing and continue to speak up” Rebecca   -   senior hair stylist Because of our delayed start to knowledge we now strive and push harder trying to prove that we are equally as capable as men. We were deemed as unsuitable for powerful roles, and, unsuitable to choose who made our choices for us. Parliament has been held by men for decades and slowly we have seen more women speak up. In 2021 we saw some key progressions towards equality. But we have also seen some stunts. During the dreaded Covid outbreak ‘Leah Rodriguez’ states that the global crisis has added another 36 years to the amount of time it will take to close the gender gap. This means it will now take around 13.5 years for women and men to reach impartiality. On the brighter side of things the Tokyo Olympics became the most gender equal Olympic Games. Tokyo insisted that the teams had an equal ratio of women to men. However women were still given less pay and had less news coverage. When you think of the hair and beauty industry, it does dominate as a more female centralised career path. However there are still issues within equality and the opportunities that come with the industry. Naomi, Bare Beauty House’s founder, finds that the industry is “dominated by male artistic directors and product companies. Men have been lifted up more through the industry which is disappointing as it is a more female dominated area”. Think Paul Mitchel, Kevin Murphy, & Tony & Guy, just to name the top three that come to mind. This imbalance is seen across all industries especially when it comes to powerful roles. Last year we saw some positive changes towards females and parliamentary roles. Samoa and Estonia have elected their first female prime minister. Confronting the out of date belief that women are not suitable for power. In the past couple of years feminists and activists have made stands to fight for equal rights for women and those who also face bias. Creating and editing legislation and bills assists certain communities and people of the world from future bias and mistreatment. It is creating a permanent, sustainable and maintainable tomorrow. This year we look too celebrating the struggle of feminists fighting for environmental justice around the globe. An example are women farmers in India who are trying to secure land to create lives that are empowered, self-resilient, sustainable and to create change. Last year in India the government decided to raise the legal age of marriage from 18-21 in the belief that the legislation will bring parity in the age of marriage between men and women. This decision led to a amendment of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, which was introduced into parliament. At our salon we open our doors to all kinds of people. We make sure that every client is treated with the same respect and experience no matter their race, religion, age, gender or sexual preference. Our team of fewer than 10 are all at different stages in life. A few have teenagers, toddlers or a baby on the way. Two of us are training to either advance our skills or are just starting out. Due to us all being different ages and ethnicities we must learn to understand and support the wide range of events each of us go through. Although we are all different we have all had some of the same experiences growing up and how we are treated day to day. To keep us and our clients feeling safe the salon has an anti discrimination policy and Our founder, Naomi, ensures all staff are not only aware of this but adhere to it by the strictest standard. This isn't hard as we all have shared values and a certain level of respect for one another , but its nice to know there is a baseline expectation for everyone who comes into the salon. Naomi also makes sure we support other Female entrepreneurs and business owners to help build a community of successful women in the area. We strive for female success in all aspects of life, whatever that looks like for each individual person. Naomi had her share of struggles and she found difficulty in finding other like minded business women. Since relocating her salon from Rose Bay to Manly, Naomi feels as though she has found her tribe who are on the same journey with her business wise and sustainability wise. We must continue to fight for equality, biodiversity and ultimately a sustainable world for everyone and everything to thrive in!

Empowerment through rejuvenation & nourishment

We are almost 1/4 way through this year! It really has flown by. As we continue to grow and explore ourselves it is important to look around us and appreciate how far we have come. This month is all about our world and our women. We want to promote the feeling of empowerment by rejuvenating and nourishing your skin and hair. Women have come a long way in achieving equality and as we have evolved, we still battle in our day to day lives. Women have gained the right to education, ability to vote, equal pay and much more. We still fight to prove our worth and continue to strive for equal treatment of all women around the globe. At Bare Beauty House our team is made up of all different women from all different backgrounds from all walks of life. We strive to make every woman feel empowered and leave us feeling like a boss, in control of their own world.  We also aim to give Men the same feeling of empowerment that they deserve and make them feel comfortable in the pampering sessions they desire. For many women, hair is one of our most confronting elements. It is one of our most noticeable features that has a mind of its own. As a kinky, curly haired person, I never know what I will wake up with. Every day is a surprise. Hair is an expression in one of its greatest forms. We can curl, straighten, dye and shave it. I have used my own hair as a subject to my experimentation for years. From pink to red to white then finally the big shave. I shaved my head in March of last year and as it has grown back over the past 12 months I have gotten to understand myself on a deeper level. At first it was an effort to raise money for Leukemia patients and donate my own hair but my Dad with his own opinion helped me see another meaning. He viewed it as a feminist act rebelling against the norm of female hair. Doing the big shave took me 4 years to finally do, but I have grown more than I ever could without having done it. My experience is my story of finding myself and as Women I think it is so important that we all have our own journey, whatever that looks like. Underneath our hair lies the hidden world we don’t often see and when we do it can be confronting. There is a lot of stigma around dandruff and oily scalps. Often in High School we hide these and make jokes to mask our embarrassment and this continues into adult hood. I have a dry scalp and was uncomfortable at the visibility based on the belief people would think I was “dirty”. But our scalps go through a lot. They are attacked by sun rays, pollution,hair colour and an array of products.. This month we are introducing a new range of scalp treatments from our partner Oway. These will help dry, oily, itchy and irritated scalps . I have been using the dry scalp shampoo for a couple of weeks and have noticed the itchiness fading as well as having a smoother cleaner scalp whilst still being able to have colour applied on my scalp. This range from Oway will be your new best friend to treat and prevent many scalp conditions. No more hiding in the shadows of our hair. Time for empowerment. Last year our founder, Naomi, participated in a beach clean up. This was inspired by “Clean up Australia Day”. In Australia, especially Sydney, we love to get into our favourite cozzies and strut down to the beach. I grew up next to Bondi and one of my favourite memories was doing weekly surfing lessons with my primary school class. The crystal clear water breaking into elegant waves that slide across the sand. Beach towels of every colour marking their territory spread across the beach. The most beautiful part is watching the sun go down across the horizon. Bringing an inner peace we so deeply crave. It all seems perfect. But you feel something sway past your leg. In fear of it being a jellyfish you quickly swat it away but to your dismay it is a plastic bag from a strangers shopping trip. We have all (hopefully) watched David Attenborough as he explores the deep sea giving us beautiful images of magical creatures. We all have been made aware of the waste and stress that humans have put on this precious ecosystem. This month especially our salon promotes sustainable beauty standards to help inform our clients and other salons on how they can help as well As strong women we must have strong skin. We must be comfortable and confident in our skin if we plan on maintaining how far we have come. Through March we have introduced Omnilux red light therapy. Red Light Therapy is a treatment that produces results with none of the nasty side effects. It focuses on reducing fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation and redness. Omnilux’s aim is to create healthier, younger-looking skin that feels rejuvenated and nourished. To Introduce this product into our salon we are offering an unlimited red light therapy package. This not only gives you more bang for your buck but will leave you in control of your skin and knowing that you have a strong network of women providing skincare solutions based on clean science technology that can help you control any breakout or skincare concern. Its time to stand strong together, promoting each others beauty, empowering each other to feel and be our best, whatever that looks like for you whilst we nourish our environment and become stronger together!

Our continued commitment

At Bare Beauty House we strive to find the best and most innovative clean beauty treatments to bring out your inner glow and this year will be no different! As new trends arise such as bold bright colours, we will maintain our advocacy for green technology and minimised waste in beauty salons. Our partnership with Oway will continue and we look forward to using their biodynamic colours to help create your most authentic self. At Bare Beauty House we also use Synergie Skincare who’s main focus is clean science. They reformulate their products whenever a more sustainable and sophisticated approach is available.  A big reason why we love Synergie Skin is they not only help find your inner glow they do so while maintaining the glow of the world around us. Synergie Skin has the focus of clean pure Australian science delivered globally. Terri Vinson, founder and lead scientist, uses the 4 T’s when talking about our skin. Texture, Tone, Tightness and Topicals. These 4 are the main aspects of what we focus on when treating and protecting your skin. With this in mind, we are bringing in new treatments such as vitamin infusions and light therapy throughout the year.   For those of you who don’t know about Vitamin infusions, it is a mini facial in itself where we cleanse and exfoliate your skin and then using an ultra sonic micro therapy device paired with the vitamins that your skins craving, massage and infuse the vitamins into your skin. The sound therapy device helps push the ingredients deep into your skin allowing a deeper cleanse and vitamin infusion which results in longer lasting, visible results where you will leave the salon absolutely glowing! Light Therapy, as many of you probably know, has many benefits. One of which is stimulating cellular activity, including the fibroblasts that produce collagen, a substance that gives young skin its plump look. Collagen production helps minimise fine lines and wrinkles, treat sun-damage and stretch marks, and reduce redness. Our in salon light therapy treatments will use different coloured lights to target the varied skin concerns. The light therapy treatments have no downtime, so you can be back out in the sun with no concerns, as well as being able to have a light therapy treatment every 48 hours for maximum results! We also partner with ‘Sustainable Salons’ to provide an eco friendly approach to the removal of waste. Together we have kept 69kg of plastics out of landfill, 138kg of paper recycled and have recycled 100kg of metals. We also look at the more humanitarian side of life and have provided over 169,000 meals to those in need  and we actually couldn’t do that without you.  The meals are provided by donating the profit from the sales of recycled aluminium and paper used in your services! At Bare Beauty House we focus on informing clients and being a voice in the hair and beauty industry. Naomi Browner, our founder, is due to be a speaker at this years hair festival (covid pending) and will help educate our industry about the more sustainable approach to hair and beauty. This year we also have ‘Earth Day’ in April, ‘Clean up Australia’ in March and following that we have National Plant a Tree Day & Plastic free July. For every one of these events we will have different campaigns to help provide support and knowledge to our local community and industry. Using our clean products, partnering with the right waste removal services and being an advocate for positive change within our industry collectively helps us to become a sustainability leader within the industry and ultimately achieve our goal of continued commitment to the environment and surrounding community.

Beauty ingredients to avoid and why

It can be so confusing to know what to avoid and even more confusing to figure out why you should avoid them. In general, it is best to avoid any ingredient, natural or synthetic, which can poison the environment or cause harm to human health. The below ingredients have been proven toxic and mutagenic and should be avoided as much as possible. We have made some suggestions on alternative ingredients to look for but in some cases you can just leave this ingredient out altogether. Your needs will vary depending on your skin care needs, so ask your local green beauty therapist for their advice.
  1. SLES or Sodium Laureth Sulfate and other sulfate based detergents
These are used in 90% of personal care products that foam. Eye damage, depression, laboured breathing, diarrhoea and skin and eye irritation have been linked to their use. Not only are they harmful, but they are also extremely drying to the hair and skin. They have been shown to change the structure of skin protein making it susceptible to sun damage and accelerated ageing. No thank you! You can really just do without this ingredient and dont need anything else to supplement it, its not essential for your products to work effectively. 2. Anything formulated with PEGs and PGs PEGs have been found in everything from personal care products, baby care and sunscreens. They act as binders and plasticise ingredients and are designed to enhance the penetration of other ingredients into the skin. This is often a double whammy when you consider that there are often many ingredients in these products that you do not want to be penetrating deeply through the skin barrier.  Dioxin is a by-product of the process used to create propylene glycol. Dioxin has been linked to cancer, reduced immunity, nervous system disorders, miscarriage and birth deformity. If you see a PEG on your beauty product ingredient list this is definitely a product you do not want to be absorbed into your skin. A solution to this is finding a brand like Eve Taylor which are made using only natural ingredients. To help the products penetrate your skin we use sound waves through our Ultrasonic Micro therapy device. This is a handheld tool that by using sounds waves helps the products delve deeper into your skin allowing for accelerated results and glowing skin in half the time, no nasties required! 3. Parabens Parabens are preservatives and allow skincare products to survive for months or even years in your medicine cabinet. They are used in deodorants and other skincare products and have been found in breast cancer tumours. Parabens are known endocrine disruptors that have been linked to cancer and hormonal imbalances. There are plant-based and plant-derived preservatives on the market which make it unnecessary to use products containing parabens. Natural Beauty products are persevered using Sodium Anisate and Sodium Levulinate derived from Aniseed and starch. 4. Phthalates Phthalates are most often used to create fragrances in cosmetic products. They are known endocrine and fertility disruptors. The scary reality which exists around phthalates is that we are exposed to them in so many areas of our life. The storage of these toxins in fat cells and their bio-accumulation over time makes a strong case for avoiding exposure to synthetic fragrances. With so many natural essential oils and extracts on the market, there is no need to reach for synthetic fragrances. Eve Taylors products are formulated with pure essential oils so there is no need for Phthalates as the essential oils have enough fragrance. 5. Synthetic dyes and colourants Synthetic colours from coal tar contain heavy metal salts that deposit toxins in the skin, causing skin sensitivity/irritation. Absorption can cause depletion of oxygen. Look for makeup which uses natural iron oxide to create pigments. You will be surprised at the colour assortments that can be created by natural pigments. 6. Benzyl peroxide This is predominantly used in acne products and may act as a mutagen, producing DNA damage. Natural anti-microbial extracts, Kakadu Plum, Aloe Vera and Salicylic Acid are alternatives to harsh acne treatments and solve acne problems as quickly and effectively as their chemical counterparts. 7. DEA, MEA & TEA This foam booster is a skin irritant and causes contact dermatitis. It is easily absorbed through the skin to accumulate in the body’s organs and the brain. The more you can get used to milk and oil-based cleansers, the happier your skin will be. Not only do oil-based cleansers prevent your skin being stripped of its natural oils, but they also enable the skin to balance oil production by providing it exactly what it needs so that it does not overcompensate by overproducing oil. 8. Formaldehyde Has many uses but is most often used in cosmetics as a disinfectant and preservative. Be cautious of products containing 1,4-dioxane, as this can also release formaldehyde in certain chemical processes. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen, skin, eye and lung irritant. This ingredient can either be completely left out or can be substituted for peppermint, which is a natural disinfectant. Find pure alternatives and embrace toxic free beauty for the healthiest you yet! Awareness of ingredients to avoid is the first step to creating a toxic-free lifestyle and being equally aware of suitable alternatives is empowering. This new knowledge provides you with options to equip you with everything you need to practice a pure and highly effective beauty routine.

At home Coconut oil Hair treatment

The warm summer sun is on your skin and you’re wearing your biggest smile. The salt from the sea dries into your hair to remind you of all the day’s adventures. But now you are faced with dry, sun damaged hair. Now what? We are so excited to share with you our go-to natural hair treatment with the power oil itself, coconut oil! Nothing else screams “summer hair repair” than this fatty oil that’s made from raw or dried coconuts. Coconut oil is traditionally used as a food, or for cooking, but this naturally saturated fatty oil can also be used to aid in healthy hair! But before we go over the steps to correctly perform a coconut oil treatment, here are a few coco-nutty facts on why this summer smelling oil is so good for our hair. Because of its naturally fatty nature, coconut oil absorbs into hair strands better than mineral oils. This helps to prevent split ends and hair breakage all while preserving hair’s moisture. The high fat content in coconut oil, it is said to help calm most common scalp conditions like dandruff, dry/oily scalp and fight any fungal infections on the scalp. After all, healthy hair does start at the root. Prepare for your coconut oil treatment by placing a small amount of coconut oil in a glass bowl. Heat the coconut oil in the microwave, on the stovetop, or by setting the jar in hot water. Heat the oil enough to be soft, but not completely liquid. Apply the creamy oil to dry hair, starting at your mid-shaft and working the oil to your ends. Once your hair looks “wet” comb the oil through all of your hair to evenly distribute the product. Next, either braid, or bun your hair with the oil in your hair for at least 30 minutes. You can intensify the treatment by wrapping your hair in a towel or shower cap. After your 30 minutes is complete, shampoo and condition your hair like normal. Now you can smile even bigger than before knowing your hair is shiny, strong, and smooth! Happy Summer to you, Bare Beauty Babe! Xx A few things to consider: like other oils coconut oil can make your hair and skin feel greasy. Avoid using too much coconut oil, too often. When using coconut oil as a deep conditioning treatment, it is essential to wash it out completely!
Sustainable Christmas ideas

How to have a more sustainable Christmas

Christmas is such a fun time of year, surrounded by friends and family. Gifting items to each person and hoping to see their face light up with delight. Filling our bellies with far too much food and wine for one meal, but hey balance right. We didn’t skip breakfast for nothing! BUT, It can also be an extremely wasteful time of year which kinda takes the fun out of it when you see how much wrapping paper, excess plastic packaging, glitter, un-used gifts and a whole lot of leftovers we end up with. There is hope, we have put together a handful of tips on

How to have a more sustainable Christmas

Now thats the gift that keeps on giving! To help you avoid the waste this Christmas I’ve put together some fun and fresh ideas that will reduce the waste. Give up generic wrapping paper Most wrapping paper is not recycled (and much of it can’t be), so it ends up in landfills. A lot of the paper you might think is recyclable is actually lined with plastic, according to Going Zero Waste’s Kathryn Kellogg. If you like decorations and artistic flourishes on your presents, be selective. “If it has glitter or tape, it’s not recyclable,” Celia Ristow of Litterless told HuffPost. Glitter-encrusted paper is especially terrible for a couple of reasons. It can’t be recycled, for one. What’s more, glitter is made from teensy pieces of plastic that not only appear in your hair weeks later but also pollute the oceans, according to National Geographic. Marine animals often ingest these little specks, and over time, collect them in their stomachs, which can be fatal. Instead use plain old brown paper which can be made into a beautiful wrapping option, especially when spruced up with a sprig of evergreen, a dehydrated orange slice of a stick of cinnamon (and then you have the added bonus of scented gift wrap). With this option you still get the feeling of getting to rip through paper, with the ability to recycle when you’re done. Gift an experience I always think giving someone an experience is so thoughtful and so much more fun. Its also something that they will for sure remember and it generally comes with little to no excess packaging. Think about your loved ones interests and hobbies. Maybe they need a little pampering but won’t spoil themselves. Or possibly they would just love to have a special day out with you or the whole family. The possibilities really are endless. If you need some inspiration for a pamper day we have a bunch of pre packaged pamper packages to choose from, or you can make your own day. Maybe your Mum would love a girls day out with you and your sister, we can take care of that, and your Brother and Dad can take the day to play some golf or hit the surf. Everybody wins! Use natural decorations Natural foliage, such as branches, leaves, pinecones and berries are timeless and can be re-used year after year. Dried citrus slices make beautiful ornaments and they will leave your house smelling gorgeous. Cook mindfully Christmas has always been a time for feasting, but we can all definitely be a little more mindful about what we decide to feast on. Try source locally grown and organic produce. Not only will your meal be even more delicious but you can rest easy knowing you have contributed to local business and reduced your carbon footprint. Don't forget to use reusable containers and food coverings for your leftovers!

How your split ends can clean up the ocean!

Hair is not just for ponytails and top knots anymore; it can also help protect our ocean too. We all know that water and oil do not mix, and when it spills into our oceans it causes catastrophic damage to our ecosystem and not only to the marine life but wildlife and every living thing that feeds/ utilises the ocean, this includes us. The most popular method to contain an oil spill is the use of synthetic materials and chemicals, which is costly, generates excess waste and is just as bad for the environment. There is a huge push towards a more natural and sustainable technology to defend the oceans which is crucial to protect the planet and one of the key materials being sourced is hair. Yes, that’s right human hair!!! Hair is naturally hydrophobic and bio sorbent, which means, it repels water and can collect heavy metals and other contaminants, like fuels and oil. A natural way to help contain spills is using hair in booms and hair mats. Imagine a really big stocking being stuffed with hair clippings, it kind of looks like a really big sausage. Due to the hairs unique structure, 500 grams of hair can soak up one litre of oil in as little as a minute. The hair mats act as natural filters trapping any additional debris like cigarette butts in the process. Sustainable Salons are an organisation which collects hair from partnering hair salons  and doggy parlours. They are leading the way in creating hair booms and sending them out to specific areas that are in danger from spills. These hair booms can also be re-used. The oil collected gets wrung out and recycled itself. The hair booms are then allowed to dry and sent back into rotation for the next spill clean up. The next time you have your hair done, remember that hair attracts oil and one day your hair could help mop up a spill, saving our precious oceans in a sustainable way. When visiting a salon look out for the sustainable salons window decal, that way you can rest easy knowing your hair clippings are going to help keep our oceans clean!

5 hair treatments from your pantry

Have you ever wanted to try an all natural at home hair treatment? Maybe you want to reduce the amount of chemicals that get absorbed into your skin, or maybe you just don't have the funds for a treatment but your hair so desperately needs a bit of love... Whatever your reasoning, I have the solution! Here are 5 treatments you can whip up with staple items in your kitchen. Repair damage with an avocado! Mash a whole ripe avocado with one egg, then apply this home remedy to wet hair. Leave on for 20-30min and then rinse well a few times before shampooing and conditioning hair as normal. Avocados are rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids, and minerals that will help restore luster to your hair. You can repeat this treatment once a week for damaged hair and once a month for healthy hair that may just need a boost! Treat dry brittle hair with butter! Melt a small amount of butter into a medium - thick paste, allow it to cool and then cover your hair with the butter. Cover your head in a shower cap to lock in the heat, allowing your cuticle to open up and the butter to penetrate the hair. Leave it to sit for 30mins. Rinse your hair well and shampoo and condition as normal. You can repeat this once a month. Condition your hair with olive oil Warm half a cup of olive oil (do not boil it) to put the moisture back into your hair. Apply the warmed oil to your hair, cover with a shower cap or plastic bag and then wrap everything in a towel. Leave it to sit for 45min, rinse well and shampoo and condition as normal. Put the shine back into your hair with tea Use a quart of part warm, unsweetened tea as a final rinse after your regular shampoo. Tea can enhance the colour so make sure to use a tea that works with your hair colour. For example Brunettes can use English breakfast, Blondes can use camomile or white tea and anyone with a fashion shade would be best sticking with white or chamomile tea. Keep your hair conditioned when swimming Before or after a swim you can protect your hair from the harsh elements with a homemade rinse of 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar mixed with 3/4 cup water. Simply spray your hair down with this solution before and after you swim to stop any chemicals drying out your hair or worse stripping your hair colour. I would love to know how you went with your treatments, so please get in touch with your feedback! Make sure you don't miss out - Sign up to "The Bare Facts" at

Why are we a sustainable salon?

We have a responsibility to protect our home and our bodies. Many toxins and chemicals in conventional cosmetics are pollutants and degrade the environment as well as our bodies. Thankfully we as a society are becoming more aware of these issues and there is now a growing demand for natural, toxic free products and services. Below are our top 3 reasons for being a sustainable hair and beauty salon Plastics Hair and beauty salons are a major player in the amount of plastic waste that is contributed to landfill every year. Every hour, we throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles (22 billion plastic bottles per year) Mind blowing right! I could not contribute to this waste cycle any more and have phased out 90% of the plastic bottles used and sold in an ordinary hair and beauty salon. At Bare Beauty House we support brands that package their products in infinitely recyclable materials, being glass and aluminium. We are also a member of Sustainable Salons who recycle all our salon waste and help us work towards our target of 0% waste. Natural Healing Natural and oleochemical ingredients are less likely to cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Without synthetic, toxic chemicals or artificial colours, sustainable products rely on the healing properties found naturally in plants. Consider glycerine, this clear, non-toxic liquid is used in soaps, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Since it is a humectant, glycerine can retain water, making it an excellent moisturiser. Glycerine enhances the body’s ability to absorb water, encouraging the skin to absorb and hold on to as much as possible. As a non-irritating substance, it can be applied anywhere on the body. It is also an effective anti-aging ingredient and, due to its anti-microbial properties, and can also serve as an acne treatment. An oleochemical that has all the power of synthetic chemicals without any of the toxicity, glycerine is a perfect example of the natural effectiveness of sustainable cosmetics. Natural Health and Beauty While petrochemicals may deliver short-term results, the long-term effects can be highly toxic to humans and the environment. Years of synthetic cosmetics use have been traced to headaches, eye damage, acne, hormonal imbalance and premature ageing. Phthalates have even been linked to cancer and type 2 diabetes. By choosing products that contain natural ingredients, we are investing in your long-term health and beauty, and not polluting our environment. So really, the question should be… why wouldn’t we be committed to sustainable beauty?! Want to know more about sustainable beauty? Sign up for The Bare Facts at

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*Available for services valued over $90 * (T&C Apply)